Thursday, June 2, 2011

10 years

                                   I love riding the school bus with all the windows down
                                               it makes like a tunnel of wind.
                                I also love to sittin by the pool and listening to the wind
                                              make music as it blows through the trees
                              ...and watchin it rain "nature's helicopter's", those maple seed pods.

                                   I love the silence of it, sittin by the pool that is. 
                                           silence is okay, sometimes. 
                                       other times it's not and you got to speak up.
                                        i need to work on that, when to speak up. 
                      because i don't want to be just a nice guy, i want to be a good guy.
                        be known for the things that i do, not for the things that I don't do.


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