Tuesday, June 21, 2011

concentrated face

                                          I think words, meaning words from the english
                                          language, have evolved to describe the "outside world".  
                                          the world that we see before us everyday. 
                                          maybe that's why it's so hard to find the words to
                                          describe what's happening on the "inside world."
                                         Maybe that's why I go to the piano or the guitar
                                         and just let it flow out.
                                                                         ....like a river flows.
                                         I feel a song comin on.
                                             ha.         too bad it's already a song.

                              check it.  I'm still in the midst of learning the song as a whole 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

barefoot walks

I feel like songwriting is more of a trial and error sort of thing
You make a multiple amount of "songs" over a period of time and you test each one.
maybe you'll play one for your mom or your grandma or your friend.
or maybe you'll even play one at a coffeehouse.
but there are going to be some not-so-good ones and there are going to be some awesome ones.

that's what it seems like to me anyways.
don't count on it though, i'm new at this.
Actually I'm way new at this.
Actually, I've only ever wrote one song. Ever.
And it wasn't that good.

But lately, it seems like I've had a song just kinda waitin to be let out.
And I think it will take some time and discipline, and it might even be painful. 
Kind of like a newborn baby,
it needs to come out of the womb but at the same time it's like "ooo, but I like it in here."
And it's gonna be painful, and time consuming but in the end it is well worth it.
And you also end up having a beautiful gift from above.

Songwriting and giving birth.
Can you even compare those two?

here's a weird video that I found, it's kinda long and weird at first but at the end it makes sense.
just watch it, no questions asked.
just do it.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

10 years

                                   I love riding the school bus with all the windows down
                                               it makes like a tunnel of wind.
                                I also love to sittin by the pool and listening to the wind
                                              make music as it blows through the trees
                              ...and watchin it rain "nature's helicopter's", those maple seed pods.

                                   I love the silence of it, sittin by the pool that is. 
                                           silence is okay, sometimes. 
                                       other times it's not and you got to speak up.
                                        i need to work on that, when to speak up. 
                      because i don't want to be just a nice guy, i want to be a good guy.
                                 ...to be known for the things that i do, not for the things that I don't do.