Monday, December 27, 2010


i love christmas.
christmastime always makes me feel at peace and full of joy.
thank you,
help me not to forget where my peace and joy come from.
i find my joy in worshipping You.


Thursday, December 23, 2010

ya probably

can i just break down this wall
so many times i've seen it fall,
could i really find the words to say, i really hope to see the day.

but...what words to say?
the words i've wanted to tell you ever since i met you

this truth, i've held onto
will shead light
not a whisper have i seen
could be this bright

Thursday, December 16, 2010

light tunnel

sometimes all we can do is hope.
hope for a snow day, hope there's hot chocolate, hope you'll have enough items to make a chicken sandwhich, hope that you'll get to the other end of the snow tunnel, hope that this Christmas will be different from all the rest.

The birth of Jesus was a very hopful day, I'm sure of it.  The magi were hoping to find their King by following a star, the sheperds hoped for something interesting to happen outside of their simple life.
We talked about the sheperd's at the dinner table tonight.
I think we came to the conclusion that sheperd's were for the most part, laid back, just going through the motions sort of dudes.  During the night time, their job involved watching sheep sleep for goodness sake.
It's funny cause, we count sheep to fall asleep. ha.
things like cougars, mountain lions or poachers would be a rare occurance but they were there to protect their sheepies.
im sure they treasured the predictable. treasured what was expected.....just the same old, boring... watching their sheep sleep.  And to see angels just randomly show up singing praises.
That would kind've be like taking somebody who's listened to folk music their whole life to a hardcore metal concert.
The sheperd's remind me of myself a little.
 just going through the same old routine's of life, treasuring the predictable.
but then when something does happen that's out of the ordinary,
it's like finding the light at the end of a tunnel. wahoo!     

Monday, December 13, 2010

paper cranes on a not-so-ordinary day

i love the feeling of being accomplished.
today, i shovelled off my roof because there was like 5 feet of snow on it
and my dad said it might collapse
soo i tackled it like a man......with a shovel.
...and as i was shovelling i started making grunts and groans
kindve like how William Wallace would have sounded when he was fighting the English.
Anyways, it took me almost an hour to finish and when I was done I lifted my shovel over my head and screamed, FREEDOM at the top of my lungs.
shortly following, a manly spit to the side and enjoying the satisfaction of jumping off the roof into the pile of snow that i had carefully placed just for that purpose.
mmhmm and was that jump sweeter than pumpkin pie......definitely not.
but was it totally worth it,.....most definitely.
If my dad ever wants me to shovel the roof off in the future, I would do so, gladly.
just because that jump off the roof at the end, is the feeling of being accomplished.  

Saturday, December 11, 2010

corduroy and the beats

Well it's about time we go on an adventure,
where ya say? who knows...
i like adventures that will be full of surprises

adventure's happen everyday
everyday is an adventure.
I'm hoping to post my adventures on here, no matter how lame they may be.